ASK Alpha Sigma Kappa Spring Science Carnival March 29 1-4 pm CSU Powerhouse
Contact : 970-556-0994
ASK Alpha Sigma Kappa Spring Science Carnival March 29 1-4 pm CSU Powerhouse
Video credit: Mona Maser
Music credit: Parker Segelhorst
Girls in Engineering, Math and Science! GEMS are girls K-8 interested in learning more about technology, math, engineering, and science. GEMS participate in hands-on STEM activites...
Types of classes?
Marshmallow Pneumatics
Solar Energy
Electricity and Magnetism
Building Bridges
Little Shop of Physics
And much, much more!
GEMS is held throughout Northen Colorado on a consistent basis. We host classes from 4:15-5:45 pm. Check below to see when a GEMS class is by you!
Tuesday: Harmony Village Boys & Girls Club, Lesher Girls Who Code
Wednesday: Loveland-Pulliam and Garfield Elementary Boys & Girls Clubs
Thursday: Fort Collins Boys & Girls Club, Trautt Elementary in Loveland
Friday: Academy of Arts & Knowledge, University Village
Pleasant Grove - Mondays- 1:00- 1:30 pm
Rolland Moore- Wednesdays - 1:00-1:30 pm
Buffalo Run Apartments - Thursdays- 12:15 - 12:45 pm pm
The STEM truck will follow around the Larimer County Lunch Lab. Each week will have a different STEM activity for the kids to do while enjoying their lunch.
New friends and old friends in the GEMS program studying engineering and microbiology during our STEM camp at Lincoln Middle School.
Day Two
GEMS became agriculturalists
and water engineers
by learning about irrigation
Our GEMS will partake in a fun filled day at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science - with an opportunity to see the Orcas: Our Shared Future exhibit. Maybe one of our GEMS will become an oceanographer...
We are excited to take a group of our GEMS to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
STEM requires more than math and science aptitudes. STEM requires the ability to fail gracefully, and having the confidence to pick back up and start over. We offer girls empowerment camps in summer to increase validation, self-efficacy, and inner-strength to power through tough STEM stuff during the school year